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  • Get SMS/email notification when your result is added to university website

    We all desperately wait for results and want to be first to know the result and spread the word. Here’s a simple trick to get a sms when your result is displayed on the uni website although this is not foolproof, it works most of the time. You need to have a gmail email id for it
    There are many sites which can detect change in a web page like,,, etc... We will use as it provides hourly updates as emails

    Go to followthatpage enter the page address of the university results page for example: ‘’ and enter your gmail email address(only gmail).Then complete the registration form

    You will get a mail from There will be a confirmation link there. click the confirmation link then you’ll be asked to login
    After you login, results page will be there .remove the tick mark on ‘Report removals’ by clicking on it then tick mark on ‘Check hourly (max 1 check per hour)’ and click ‘save’ and you’re done
    Now you’ll get an email every time something is added to the results page. Now we need to get that email as SMS somehow

    Step-3: Go to in the right top corner there will be an option of signup. Then Click on’ Try now for FREE - SIGNUP ’ Enter your Gmail email id and mobile number in the form

    you’ll get a verification email and a SMS with activation code. Enter activation code there to activate your account.

    Now open your Gmail account, go to ->> settings->> filter->>create a new filter
    And fill the fields as follows
    FROM: ‘’, ‘Has the words: B.E. SEM III.(enter yourdegree here as it is mentioned on results page,keep it blank if you're not sure)
    Doesn’t have: ERROR

    Leave other fields blank.then click on ‘next step’
    Step-6: click on “FORWARD IT TO” and write in the text box besides it where XXXXXXXXX is your mobile number(please remember) and click on create filter
    And you are done you’ll get notification whenever your result is declared
    To get such tricks to your mailbox Click here
    To get orkut scraps as sms ->> orkutonsms

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    Get your orkut scrap notification on sms for free (Email2SMS)

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