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  • Know what patients like you feel and there journey through the disease

    When someone’s suffering from a disease particularly the ones which are life threatening. Patients are emotionally shattered. In such times they long to know different modes of treatment other patients are taking, they want to know what other patients like him/her feel , They want to know their symptoms, their medications, everything they can know about the disease .
    Patientslikeme does exactly that. It is a social networking health site that enables its members to share treatment and symptom information in order to track and to learn from real-world outcomes. One gets to know the minutest medical details.
    In 1998, a young carpenter named Stephen Heywood was diagnosed with ALS. The Heywood family began taking charge of Stephen's care, searching the world over for ideas that would extend his life and improve the way he lived. This set in motion a series of events that have led to PatientsLikeMe, a new system of medicine by patients for patients.
    Advantages are simply enormous...
    One can learn from other patients like them in Forum Discussions,through Private Messages and from Profile Comments. One can also browse symptom reports,explore Treatment reports,check out treatment evaluations.Profile charts lets one see how treatments affects the health over time.Doctor Visit Sheets helps one improve discussions with the doctors

    They currently have communities for Prevalent Diseases like ALS/MND,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME,HIV/AIDS,Mood Conditions,Anxiety,Bipolar,Depression,OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder),PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder),MS (Multiple Sclerosis),Parkinson’s Disease and some other rare disease too
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